Originally scheduled for September 28, Bandai Namco announced Code Vein will instead release next year. In an unusual turn, the company has cited "the overwhelming support from the fans" as the reason for the delay. While specific details were not given, the extra time will be used to "further refine the game and hope to exceed fans’ expectation"
“Code Vein has received an enormous amount of positive feedback from eager fans who have received hands-on time with in-development versions of the game over the past nine months. Armed with knowledge of how well the game has already been received, we made the decision to postpone the release of Code Vein to further refine its gameplay in an effort to exceed the expectations fans already have of the title. It was a difficult decision to make, but we feel it is the correct one.”
Developed by same team behind God Eater, Code Vein's third person, exploratory hack-and-slash gameplay has received comparisons to From Software's Dark Souls series. Though unlike that franchise, Code Vein includes multiple AI controlled support allies, bright anime visuals, and the opportunity to readjust set stats to alter abilities.
Code Vein tells the story of the revenants, a collection of former humans turned blood-sucking vampires. Set in a post apocalyptic world, the amnesiac immortals will need to track down their memories as they battle against their enemies, The Lost.
In a related story, a manga adaptation was recently announced.