There are few factors more detrimental to online games than hackers. The originally intended competitive challenge can be completely undone when a cheater bypasses their way to an unearned victory. But is it possible for someone to break the rules for good?
On Thursday evening, the popular Nintendo Switch multiplayer game Splatoon 2 had it's leaderboards hacked. The top player names for the main four modes read "Please Add Anti Cheat" Encouraging the company to invest and enforce against the widespread cheating problem seen in Splatoon 2.
Following a popular Reddit post discussing the hack, user "PleaseAddAntiCheat" identified themselves as the person responsible and explained their actions. "Despite having its connectivity issues, I think [Splatoon 2] provides a healthy and competitive environment for all players...However, this will not be true as long as there are cheaters lurking around."
"Nintendo, you're welcome to ban my console any time. My purpose was to call attention to the current issue that plagues the game, and I've done that. But my message is, please make protecting your players the top priority."
Nintendo has not yet banned their console, instead banning the temporary account used.
Despite being released in March of last year, the Nintendo Switch's transition to a paid online service is still two months away from launch. In addition to online play, Nintendo has promised unique features such as cloud save back ups, special discounts, and a library of 20 classic NES games. Even with it's comparatively lower $20 annual fee, some users have expressed concern over Nintendo's laxed security standards.