For years the Uncharted series has introduced a number of questions surrounding protagonist Nathan Drake. Such as, is he really a hero is he murders hundreds of people? If every journey ends with the treasure destroyed, where does his money come from? And how has he survived so many gunshot wounds over the years?
Thanks to Naughty Dog animator Jonathan Cooper, we finally have some answers. According to Cooper on Twitter, the series' growing red overlay prior to Drake's death doesn't represent his health declining but actually his luck running out. "Eventually enemies will get a clear shot and kill him if he takes enough near-misses"
Further cementing this fun fact was director and writer of the first three Unchartered games, Amy Hennig. "True!" she replied on Twitter "That was the original intention (to stay more aligned with the spirit and tone of the films we were homaging)"
So there you have it, Nathan Drake never takes a bullet outside of cut scenes. Now if only we knew why the bullet sponge enemies can take so many.