Originally designed as a teaser promotion for the ill-fated Silent Hills, 2014's P.T. has since taken on it's own mythos as a masterful horror game. However a year after it's release, publisher Konami scrubbed the "Playable Teaser" from it's lone home on PlayStation Network. Leaving fans and curious onlookers to track down PlayStation 4 consoles still containing the game data or restore to shady loopholes.
Which is why the surprisingly accurate "PT for PC" remake attracted so much attention earlier this month. Even more remarkable, the single developer known as "Qimsar" is a 17 year old junior high school student who created his fan port in just over 180 hours.
As with all legally actionable and unlicensed creations, it's existence was sadly short lived. As described in a GameJolt blog, Qimsar was contacted by Konami with an official takedown notice. Complying with the request, Qimsar removed his project only a week after it's debut.
But he's not walking away empty handed, with Konami sending a collection of game and merchandise and a deal for a future internship. " However, the long-term benefit is actually pretty gosh diggily darn nice." Qimsar wrote in his blog "It hasn’t been made super official or anything but a freakin’ internship for me with Konami in which I would do stuff with Konami US, EU, and Japan."