For over a decade, rumors of swirled of an impending film adaptation of Naught Dog's popular Uncharted series of games. Since then a hodge podge of Hollywood producers, screenwriters and movie stars have been confirmed to be working on the project. In similar fashion, the likes of Mark Wahlberg, Neil Burger, and Seth Gordon exited the project with some citing creative differences as the reason for their departure. It seemed as if a live action Uncharted movie would never come to fruition.
That was until this past Monday when director Allan Ungar (Gridlocked, The Sound) published his Uncharted fan film on YouTube. The strikingly accurate 15 minute video contains all the hallmarks of the game, including mystical historic relics, shady murderous cartels, and a chaotic shootout. But the biggest surprise comes from it's casting. Capitalized on a long running internet casting campaign by starring Nathan Fillion as protagonist Nathan Drake and Avatar's Stephen Lang as Victor "Sully" Sullivan.
With over one and half million views already, the audience response has been vocally positive. "PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE make this into a full length film!!!" one user wrote. "I haven't even played any of the games, and I still had a blast watching this." said another. With many praising the cinematography's mimicking of the game's cover system and fist fight animations.
Reacting to the video's reception, director Allan Ungar took to Twitter.
As for an official Uncharted movie, the sluggish development still presumably pushes on. Last year it was announced that Spider-Man's Tom Holland would portray a younger Nathan Drake in a chanontical prequel.